How do I complete my facial recognition?

In order to complete the facial recognition please follow these simple steps

  1. Allow camera permission to coto app to record your video
  2. By default camera will be open in selfie mode. Facial recognition technology is used in coto platform allow us to ensure only woman are entering onto the system . Facial recognition makes it easy for coto platform to accurately verify that the right user has entered.
  3. Hold the phone 8-15 inch away and position your face in the centre on the screen for perfect capture
  4. Video will be automatically recorded for 5 seconds
  5. Please submit that video by clicking the upload button at the bottom left
  6. Wait for the system to validate the data. Depending on the network connectivity the processing takes time. Hence it is advisable to check your network connection
  7. Post successful validation, you will be shown a success message and auto redirected to next page to set username

What are the tips for facial recognition

  1. Glasses, hats, masks, makeup and bangs can affect the recognition process.
  2. Try and keep your face position in the centre of the camera screenWhat is facial recognition used for?
  3. Kindly ensure that the visibility of your face is best by ensuring your device contrast is on high mode,
  4. Make sure you are in a well-lit area and camera lens in clean

Why I am frequently getting message “please check the lighting” during facial recognition?

Facial recognition is up to 98% accurate, but accuracy depends on the quality of the image taken.This accuracy is also impacted by lighting – a poorly lit image may fail to be recognised.

Hence we recommend you to try verifying yourself by increasing the contrast as well as placing the face in centre while recording the video